Every social platform has their own requirements for used graphics. In this post I am summarizing their dimensions.

Graphics Dimensions For Social Networks


Facebook provides explicit instructions about required sizes for page profile and cover photo. Link to your product will be shared on Facebook, so you also need to provide Open Graph markup specifying image used for share preview. Facebook also provides recommendation about their dimensions. You can try out, how your share will look like with sharing debugger.

  • Profile photo: 170x170 pixels
  • Cover photo: 851x315 pixels (at least 399x150 pixels)
  • Shareble image: 1200x630 pixels (at least 600x315, minimum 200x200 pixels); ratio: 1.91:1; less than 8MB


Twitter also provides instructions for customizing profile. For twitter two images are needed - head and profile photo. Twitter also provides it’s own markup for controlling appearance of shared content. The most common ones are summary card and summary card with large image. You can try out, how it will look like with card validator.

  • Header photo: 1500x500 pixels; doesn’t support animated GIF
  • Profile photo: 400x400 pixels; doesn’t support animated GIF
  • Summary card: 144x144 to 4096x4096 pixels; ratio 1:1; less than 5MB; first frame from GIF is used
  • Summary card with large image: 300x157 to 4096x4096 pixels; ratio: 2:1; less than 5MB; first frame from GIF is used

Product Hunt

Product Hunt has recommendation about image sizes displayed during submission. It’s possible to include thumbnail and screenshots.

  • Thumbnail: 600x600 px or more, it can be animated gif, less than 3MB


Do you know some other social network which requires specific graphics dimensions? Please, let me know in comments.

facebook, twitter, product-hunt,